Jim Mobley
jim@voicesforchildren.netJim Mobley
Jim became a CASA volunteer for SEI Voices for Children in December 2019. In September 2021, he became the Staff Advocate at CASA of Jefferson County, where he advocated for 65 children. In October 2023, Jim began the role of Staff Advocate at SEI Voices for Children, returning home after two years. The role of full-time Staff Advocate allows him to directly serve as a Court Advocate for up to 30 children at once. Before volunteering for Voices, Jim worked as an engineer at Hill-Rom and Wittrock Healthcare for 39 years, where he developed a solid problem-solving and analytical mindset. He is an active member of the Community Church of Batesville and holds an elder position. Seeing how drug use affects kids and families, Jim joined the Start-Up/Leadership team to bring Celebrate Recovery to Batesville. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program for all Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups. Jim believes that we need to protect our most innocent, to be their voice in the darkness of abuse and neglect.